What is SEO Title Tag (How I Increased My Organic Traffic by 150% in a Month)

What is SEO Title Tag & How To Optimize it For Best Results

In this article, you’re going to learn about the SEO title tag and how it can help to increase organic CTR.

These are the same SEO techniques I have used to grow one of my target page’s organic traffic…

(By 149.56%)…

Organic Traffic SEO

[In 30 Days]

And today I’m going to teach you…

…How you can do the same thing.


Keep reading…

What is Title Tag in SEO?

A title tag is an HTML element that describes the title of a web page. Title tags are always displayed on search engine results pages at the top as the clickable headline. People need to click on the title tag to go to a page.

What Are the Benefits of Title Tags for SEO?

While title tags may not play the same role in SEO as they did a few years ago, there are still many reasons to focus on your title tag.

Here are a few reasons to optimizing your title tags for Search Engine Optimization:

  • You Can Include Keyword in Title:

The best part of SEO title tags is, you can insert your target keyword for a page.

This is one of the most powerful on-page SEO factors.

A properly written title tag helps Google to understand the Topic of a Page:

  • Google Shows Title at the Top in SERP:

Google shows Title tag of a ranking page at the top. It means people will see your title first.

Google Shows Title at the Top in SERP


You can easily understand the importance of the title. This will be the first impression to your target audience in SERP.

  • Title tag helps in organic CTR:

A well-written title tag can improve the CTR of your page. This is a SUPER important Google ranking signal.

Now the question is:

How to Use Title Tag to Increase Organic CTR

As you have already learned title is the first thing a visitor can see in SERP…

So, it can play a powerful role to improve organic CTR.

The interesting fact is:

In most cases, people click on the first result in SERP.

Is it possible to get more clicks on your #3 result in SERP than #1 or #2 result?

Believe it or not…

It’s possible…


Keep reading…

(1) Include Your Target Keyword Once in Title Tag:

When people will see that the keyword they searched for in Google is present in your title tag, they will think that the result is relevant.

That means they will click on your result.

Pro Tips: Try to include your target keyword at the beginning of the title tag. That way people will be able to see the keyword right of the bat. Also, this will help with your on-page SEO too.

(2) Write Title Tag Within 50-60 Characters:

If your title is too long, Google will cut it off like this:

Write Title Tag Within 50-60 Characters

As you can see in the above image, both the title tags look incomplete and unprofessional.

Which can hurt your CTR.

Oh! No…

So, what’s the solution?

Write the title tag within 60 characters.

That way you can show your entire title (60 characters) in the SERP.

You can use the following tool to preview your title tag length:

Our Title Tag Preview Tool:

Title Tag Preview Tool Moz

Very useful.

(3) Add Power Words in Your Title:

This is a very powerful tactic to increase organic CTR.

Power words will help your title tag stand out in SERP and will help to get more clicks.

For example:

If your original title tag is:

17 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Website

You can include a power word and make the title tag as:

17 Amazing Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Website

The word “Amazing” is a power word.

Following are my recommended power words to use in your title.












(4) Add Number in Title Tag for More Attention

Numbers in the title are likely to generate more organic clicks.

It’s because numbers grab searcher’s attention.

For example:

Title #1: How to Lose Weight

Title #2: 19 Ways to Lose Weight Fast

Which title grabs more attention?

Obviously #2 title.

The number “19” instantly makes the headline much more attractive.

That means more clicks to your result.

(5) Add The Current Year in Title:

This is a very important SEO tactic.

When you include the current year in your title tag, people will think the page is updated and new.

…And more people will click.

Also, a lot of people search in Google by including the current year with the actual keyword.

Here is an example:

Google Keyword

People love to read new and updated content.

That’s why I always include the current year in my blog post titles…

Add The Current Year in Title

Very cool 🙂

(6) Add Curiosity in Title (Please don’t use false curiosity):

People are naturally curious, and if you add curiosity in your title tag, you’ll get them to click.

For example:

A normal SEO friendly title tag would be:

17 Easy Tips to Lose Weight

But if you change the title tag to this (By adding curiosity):

17 Easy Tips to Lose Weight (#6 Will Surprise You)

It will surely make your title tag more exciting.

People will ask themselves, what is the #6 point?

The result?

More people will click to know about the surprising fact.

Very smart yaaa 🙂

Note: Don’t add false curiosity in the Title tag. In the long run, this will hurt your SEO rankings. People will bounce back from your page and when Google will notice this, they will drop your rankings.

Now It’s Your Time:

I hope this article about SEO title tag will help you to write an awesome title tag so that you can improve your organic CTR in 2024.


Now, I want to know from you…

What’s your favourite tactic to write a title tag to improve Organic CTR.

Please let me know by leaving a comment below right now 🙂

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If so:

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