Guest Blogging for SEO & Backlinks in 2024 (Step #4 Most People Do Wrong)

Guest Blogging for SEO & Backlink Building

In this post, you are going to learn everything about guest blogging for SEO in 2024.


These are the same guest posting techniques I have used to get backlinks from authority blogs.

Like this:

Guest blogging SEO

And this:

guest posting by Rintu Biswas

And this:

by Rintu Biswas

But first:

What is Guest Blogging in SEO?

Guest posting is a process of writing or posting article on other blogs [in your same niche]. The goal of guest blogging is to make relationships, getting exposure and of course build sweet backlinks.


I want to clear one simple thing here…

Guest posting is a very time-consuming process. It requires lots of work.

Don’t worry, I will guide you on how to do guest blogging the right way.

Keep reading…

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Step #1: Find Guest Posting Opportunities

Your first step is to find blogs that accept guest posts.

Here are a few best ways to find blogs for guest posting in 2024:

Tips 1: Use Google Search Operators

Whenever you want to research something online, Google is your best friend.


Say you have a digital marketing website or blog.

To find the best guest blogs use the following search strings…

Write for us + digital marketing
digital marketing + “guest post”
“Guest post by” digital marketing
digital marketing + submit a guest post
digital marketing “submit blog post”
digital marketing “submit a guest post”
allintitle:digital marketing + guest post

Here is an example:

write for us + digital marketing


Tips 2: Find local Guest Blogging Opportunities in Google

You have just learned how to find blogs for guest blogging.

But, how to actually find guest posting blogs for local SEO in Google search?

It’s easy:

Use the following search operator in Google…

site:uk write for us + digital marketing
site:uk “Guest post by” digital marketing

Here is an example:

Local SEO write for us + digital marketing

As you can see in the screenshot, all the websites are from the .uk domain.

This is super important for local SEO.

Pro Tips: Want to learn local SEO? Try my SEO course in Kolkata (SEO beginners).

Tips 3: Use the Power of Google Reverse Image Search [Pure Gold]

First, find someone in your niche who loves to writes a guest post on popular blogs.

For example:

Neil Patel used to contribute a lot of guest posts in the marketing niche.

Neil Patel

You just need to right click on the image [author bio photo] and click on “Search Google for Image”…

Google Reverse Image Search

Bingo 🙂

You will get a list of blogs he has contributed guest articles…

Neil Patel Guest Posts

Tips 4: Find Lists of Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

Few bloggers love to post lists articles for their readers.

For example:

100 SEO blogs to read
100 fitness blogs to follow


You can use this technique to find guest posting blogs in one place.

Here is how:

Use the following search strings in Google…

guest posting blogs list
top guest post blogs
guest posting sites 2018

Here is an example:

guest posting blogs list


Step #2: Check Quality of These Guest Posting Blogs

Now that you’ve found lots of guest posting blogs, it’s time for checking the quality of those blogs…

The real fact is this:

You can’t contribute guest articles on random blogs.

Also, don’t focus all your link building strategies on guest blogging alone.

Here is why:

Back in 2014, Matt Cutts said that:

“If you’re using guest blogging as a way to gain links, you should probably stop.”


It’s clear that you need to guest post on quality blogs only…

Also, your links should look natural, so that Google won’t get angry 🙂

Here are a few points that will help you to pick the quality blogs for guest posting in 2024:

  • Check if the guest blog has decent Domain Authority.
  • The blog has to be in your niche [or closely related to your blog]
  • Do they provide do-follow links?
  • Does the blog has strong social media followers
  • Does Google indexed the website

If everything seems to be YES…

Then you are ready to move to the next step…

Step #3: Search For Outstanding Topics

The biggest mistake a lot of guest writers make is they choose generic topics for guest blogging.


As your goal is to contribute guest articles on quality blogs, you have to select topics that aren’t too generic.

Let me explain with an example:

A few days ago I got an email from a guest post writer:

publlish some informative piece of content

As you can see the topics are very much generic and common…

These topics aren’t something that will hook quality blog editors to get excited…

Compare these topics with the below topics:

How to Use LSI Keywords to Make Google and Readers Happy
24 Easy Ways To Lose Weight [Fast!]
How to Rank in Google (Step-by-Step Guide for 2024)

Did you notice something?

These are more in-depth topics for guest blogging than what I have received.

Note: Quality guest blog editors know that Google panda might penalize their blog if they consistently publish thin articles. Needless to say, 500 words article isn’t in-depth.


Don’t waste your time by reaching out to quality blogs with common topics.

But, how to find in-depth topic ideas?

It’s easy:

Here are some techniques:

Tips 1: Use Buzzsumo…

Just enter a seed keyword in the search box…

…And you will get a list of most shared content on social media.

content marketing

This data shows you how much popular a topic is on social media.

[Social shares]

More share = more traffic to your website

Note: Make sure your topic fits the blog [Where you are going to guest post]! I sometimes receive irrelevant topics for the guest post.

This is very unprofessional and a waste of time.

Tips 2: You can also Analyze People Also Ask Box in Google

Here is how:

Search for your any topic or keyword in Google…

content marketing strategy

Then scroll down little…

You will get People also ask section:

People also ask Google

These are some awesome topics for guest blogging.

Actually, Google is showing you that people also search with these long tail keywords.

Long tail keywords = Guest post topics

Cool 🙂

Tips 3: Take Help From Google News

Search with some seed keywords in Google news.


These are some amazing and fresh topic ideas for the guest post.

I personally love Google News 🙂

Once you have amazing topics in your hand, move to the next step.

Step #4: Send Your Guest Posting Email [Most People Do It Wrong]

I must mention one thing here…

Almost 90% of guest post writers do email outreach completely wrong way.

Yes! It’s true…

They send the same copy and paste generic email templates to hundreds of bloggers.

Here is an example:

Guest Post Request

What’s wrong with this email?

The biggest mistake is, the guest post writer mentioned me as “Hey There!”.

The fun fact is:

I have clearly mentioned my name [Rintu Biswas] a few times on my website.

Despite that, the writer didn’t mention my name…

I’m 100% sure he didn’t even try to find my name.

This is a BIG mistake…

If he doesn’t know how to write an email to other bloggers, how will that person write a quality article?

The result?

I didn’t reply to the email.

Here is another example:

Long email

The email is soooooooooo big that, people will ignore…

Who wants to read a massive guest posting email like this?

You should keep in mind that, popular blogs receive lots of email on daily basis.


If everyone starts sending this type of emails what will they do?

You guess it right…

They will ignore your guest posting email.

So, what’s the solution?

Write short and to the point email…

Hello John,

I have been a fan for a while of your blog [The blog name].

I’m writing to you because I’d love to contribute a guest post for your blog.

I’ve some topics that I think your readers would get a ton of value from:

Topic #1:
Topic #2:
Topic #3:

Here are my few previous works…

URL #1

URL #2

URL #3

Please let me know your feedback.


Your Name

Note: You should personalize emails as much as possible to improve the response rate.

Step #5: Write Your Guest Post [In-depth and Useful]

If your pitch is good, most blogs will accept your guest posting proposal.

So, without wasting your time start writing the guest article.

Note: Before writing a single line, you must read the guest posting guidelines of that particular blog [For whom you are writing].

Here are the guest posting guidelines from my blog:


Once you read the guidelines start writing accordingly and send your article.


Don’t use keyword rich anchor texts in a guest post. This is against Google guidelines.

Step #6: Promote Your Guest Post Everywhere

Keep in mind that:

No matter how great your content is, you have to promote your content to get the maximum benefits.

If your content is in-depth and highly useful, influencers might mention your data as a source in their content.

[You have to do content marketing for that]

Here is a real-life example:

A while back, I have published a guest post on “JUST Creative” blog.

Rintu Biswas SEO Guest Post

A data from the article liked by one of the most popular marketers in the world…

Neil Patel [Unbelievable] 🙂

And he used that data in his personal blog:

Neil Patel SEO

Awesome achievement for me 🙂

Note: This happened because I have promoted my content. I teach Step-By-Step Content Marketing techniques in my blogging classes.

Now It’s Your Time

There you have it…

These are my step-by-step guest posting tips for 2024.

So, the main purposes of guest blogging are:

  • Provide value [sharing knowledge] to the target audience
  • Build relationships with other industry bloggers
  • Build Whitehat backlinks to rank in Google
  • More traffic to your website

Please let me know if you have any suggestions or questions.

[In the comment box]


SEO career: Thinking how to make a successful career in SEO?

7 Responses

  1. It’s an informative Content. I will try to search everywhere for a guest post then will found this link, after visiting this post, I am surprised and grab real information for my future.

    Go Ahead……..

    Best Post Ever…..

  2. Hi Rintu — overall, excellent guidance! Just a few points I would make:

    – The PRIMARY purpose of guest posting should never be for for backlinks or SEO. Those are incidental benefits. The primary goals should be to provide value to the blogger and to his or her audience, and to build relationships. If you provide value, you will enhance your reputation, and reach a new audience. SEO is a side benefit.

    – Step 3 is important but also make sure your topic fits the blog! I can’t tell you how many off-topic pitches I get. Ugh.

    – Step 4: you are correct about two things, that most people do it wrong and that NO ONE is named “hey there.” I will not respond to pitches that don’t use my name. However, I’d add two things: first, DON’T say you “just found” my blog on Google. I’ve been writing it for nine years. Saying you “just” discovered it insults me and makes you look stupid. Instead, say you’ve been a fan for a while. Second, include a few links to posts you’ve had published elsewhere — this is VERY HELPFUL to the blogger in judging the quality of your writing.

    But overall — this is a great piece! Worth sharing.

    1. Hi Tom,

      Thank you so much for your valuable comment.

      You are 100% correct.

      Building relationship is key in SEO and content marketing.

      Also, your other suggestions are really helpful.

      I have modified the email template.

  3. Hey Rintu,

    You have shared awesome tips that are really helpful.

    I have a question as you said “Don’t use keyword-rich anchor texts in a guest post”

    It means that we should not use the exact keyword there Ex: “SEO for Small Business”. Instead, we should use something like this “SEO Tips for Small Business” to get back-link for the keyword.

    Please you also explain so that I understand clearly. And Am I right?

  4. I just read your article and I really enjoyed it. I thought you did a great job of explaining the topic in a clear and concise way.
    Thanks again for a great article! I’ll definitely be checking out your blog again in the future.

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